Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Aesthetic as well as Economic Characteristics of the 'Film Europe Essay

The Aesthetic as well as Economic Characteristics of the 'Film Europe Movement, - Essay Example Nations felt an urge to create long term bilateral relations with this humungous political blitzkrieg. There after gradually & quite naturally, the ‘American influence’ begun to overflow in diverse domains. It slowly initiated to engulf spectrums such as art, theatre, culture, music, films. The next step was to classify those apparently ‘non political’ artistic components at par with the lines of the grand old American maneuver. This cultural autocracy created a stir amongst the enlightened & elitist in Europe. Film corporations like the Metro Goldwyn Mayer had already infiltrated the economies of third world nations like India by 1920 (Thomas, 1987, pp.1-2). While American film corporations’ encashed rich dividends from colonial markets, the European heavy weights were coerced to remain at a bay. This naturally sprouted a furor across the cultural horizon. The European mavericks & thespians felt that a cultural reincarnation was long overdue. German filmmakers like Dupont, Eichberg & Bolvary, plunged into the galaxy of filmdom, with the aim to break the American jinx (Thomas, 1987, pp.1-2). Their unbridled apathy against US monopoly led them to the shores of Britain, from where they churned out numerous path breaking films. This unique film movement came to be known as the ‘Film Europe Movement’, & gained massive popularity throughout the European peninsula. The noble ideals of combating capitalist aggression with socialist principles augured magically with the masses. ‘Film Europe’ managed to successfully batter up American aggression, intertwined with egalitarian theologies. The concluding research deals with the FILM EUROPE MOVEMENT with E.A. DuPont’s English film ‘Piccadilly’ juxtaposing the centre stage. The Birth of the ‘Film Europe Movement’ The culmination of the First World War had precisely ravaged up the economies of France & Italy. They were in no position t o stifle or even stand a chance against the ever expanding ‘American menace’. The calculating American theorists embarked on their global economic conquest, & by 1917, had South America, Australia, Asia Minor & vast territories of Africa amidst their grasp. The birth of the ‘Film Europe Movement’ was hence not just a united cultural Endeavour, but a collaborated strategy of economic survival. These Siamese goals gave birth to quintessential cinematic forms, the German ‘expressionism’, the French ‘impressionism’ & the Soviet schooling of ‘montage’. Interestingly, as time stroked away, films began to emerge which contained a profuse blend of two or more cinematic schooling. For example, Marcel L’Herbier’s French saga, ‘Don Juan et Faust’ borrowed extensive German expressionism throughout its making, while Karl Grune’s 1923 German biopic ‘Die Strasse’, successfully utilized F rench impressionism in its narration (Thomas, 1987, pp.2-5). Later of course, hoards of films were created blending two or more cinematic ideologies. This pan European cinematic outburst not only created an upheaval in the European domain, but also proved to be cinematically superior to its American counterparts. The unique ideas, bold subjects, & timeless concepts gave birth to films that would change the course of history itself. Geniuses like Sergei Eisenstein, Vsevold Pudovkin & Lev Kuleshov made films which enthralled film voyeurs throughout the planet. Films began to be created with an international appeal. This continental outlook started to

Friday, November 1, 2019

International marketing planning (Opening Wal-mart in Saudi Arabia) Essay

International marketing planning (Opening Wal-mart in Saudi Arabia) - Essay Example (Aruvian, 2013). Wal-Mart Stores Inc. operates retail stores worldwide under the brand name Walmart. It is a company based out of Bentonville, Arkansas, USA. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has three sections: Walmart US, Walmart International and Sam’s Club. (Aruvian, 2013). In the business end of scheme, it has operations for â€Å"retail stores, restaurants, discount stores, supermarkets, supercenters, hypermarkets, warehouse clubs, apparel stores, Sam’s Clubs, neighborhood markets, and other small formats, as well as; and† (Aruvian, 2013) The company is engaged in selling products such as â€Å"meat, produce, deli, bakery, dairy, frozen foods, alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, and floral and dry grocery; health and beauty aids, baby products, household chemicals, paper goods, and pet supplies; and electronics, toys, cameras and supplies, photo processing services, cellular phones, cellular service plan contracts and prepaid service, movies , music, video games, and books. Its stores also provide stationery, automotive accessories, hardware and paint, sporting goods, fabrics and crafts, and countless other products. Further, it operates banks that provide consumer financing programs; and offers financial services and related products, including money orders, prepaid cards, wire transfers, check cashing, and bill payment.† (Aruvian, 2013) The demographics and domestic demand in Saudi Arabia encourages Retail Markets. However, it is subject to similar issues that face the retail sector globally and the market is qualified with its own set of unique situations. (David Macadam and Soraka Al-Khatib n.d) Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest and rapidly growing markets in the retail sector across the Middle East and North African Countries (MENA). (David Macadam and Soraka Al-Khatib n.d). The Nation has a strong youth population which is quissentially the target market for big Retail Stores such

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The military relationship between Qatar and the United States Essay

The military relationship between Qatar and the United States - Essay Example Similarly, the states in the Middle East have been seeking to relate with the United States in a manner that promotes their political, security, and economic interests. Historical records indicate that the first contacts between these two can be traced to the late eighteenth century when there were efforts to sustain relations between them. This was particularly reflected through American missionaries who were spreading Christianity in Middle East and Africa. Apart from spreading Christianity, they were also establishing educational institutions, primarily in Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon (Shunnaq 2012). In Post-World War II period, the United States has been seeking to maintain relations with the Middle East based on prevailing interests, mainly supply of oil and promoting security and democracy in the region. It should be noted that the relationship of the United States and the Middle East has also been largely shaped by how it relates with the Israeli state and conversely how Isra el is relating with the other states in the Middle East (Hahn 2005). Political analysts and historians argue that the Israel-Palestinian conflict has significantly shaped the United States policy in the Middle East. In addition, the recent happenings in Syria have been critical in defining how the United States relates with the Middle East, and vice-versa. ... States like Iran, Lebanon, and Syria are yet to warm to cordial relationship with the United States (Blanchard 2011). This paper will discuss the United States policy with specific reference to the military relationship between the United States and Qatar. Qatar is a small peninsular state that borders Saudi Arabia in the Gulf of Persia. It is a constitutional monarchy being headed by the Emir, Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani. It gained full independence on 3rd September, 1971 from Britain. The Emir is the head of government and has the mandate of appointing members of the governing Council of ministers, headed by Prime Minister Abdallah bin Khalifa Al-Thani, who is the monarch’s brother (Fromherz 2011). It has a constitution that was approved in April 2003 and it stipulates that the state rule is hereditary within the family of Al-Thani. It further stipulates that the future successors will follow the Emir’s male offspring line. In addition, the constitution states that the re shall be a legislative authority residing in the hands of Advisory Council of 45 members, two-thirds of whom are elected directly, while one-third are appointees of the Emir. Natural gas and oil production is the backbone of Qatar’s robust economy, which has been experiencing an average annual economic growth of 9 percent over the last half a decade. It has signed a number of agreements with the United States energy companies such as ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips. As regards its foreign policy, Qatar is a United Nations’ member, as well as being a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Organization of Islamic Conference, the Arab League, and the Organization of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Morality & Social Justice-Rubric for Essay Essay Example for Free

Morality Social Justice-Rubric for Essay Essay Seven influential moral thinkers hammered just war tradition which has been distilled into seven principles where five of the principles judge whether a decision to go to war is actually justifiable while the other two are a guide to just conduct in waging a war. The principles of a just war include: legitimate authority, just cause, just intent, last resort, reasonable chance of success, principle of discrimination and the principle of proportionality. The Spanish and Portuguese were not justified to go to war with the Guarani but the Guarani were justified to war with the Portuguese and the Spanish. Subjecting the Portuguese and the Spanish to the seven principles of a just war they were not justified to go to war. The first principle which requires that before a war is started, it must be declared by a legally recognized authority which in most cases is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces while in United states it the Congress was not met by the Spanish and Portuguese soldiers. The soldier according to Alves were sent to relocate the Guarani but when they resisted they resorted to military action where many natives were killed and other were taken as slaves without the order of the legal authorities of the two nations (4). Before going to war with the Guarani the just war principles demand that Spanish and Portuguese leaders and soldiers were to seek an order from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of their respective countries before waging a war with the natives which they did not do. The second principle of a just war that requires that a war should not be started on the basis of expanding a territory or national pride but only for a just cause like resistance to aggression by means of threat of attack or attack was not met either by the Portuguese and the Spanish in fighting the Guarani people. They instead invaded the people with an aim to relocate them to take them as slaves but when the Guarani resisted they started war with them thereby breaching the just cause (Alves 4). Another principle require that before starting a war the aims of the war should be just and limited which should be restoring justice and peace and not vengeance. The Spanish and the Portuguese breached this principle as well since their intention was not to restore peace or justice among the Guarani people. They waged the war out of their own selfish gain because the natives were living peacefully before. Their interest was the land of the Guarani and to enslave them as well. It was not the last resort for the Portuguese and the Spanish to start war with the Guarani people. The principles requires that all other means should be used to resolve dispute between contending parties and that the means must have been tried and found to fail before going to war. In the situation of the Portuguese, Spanish and the Guarani people there was no dispute in the first place. It is the Spanish and Portuguese that were determined to take the land that belonged to the natives and to take them as slaves and even after the natives resisted their effort they never used any other means to resolve the dispute but war. There should be reasonable chance of success before starting a war which the Portuguese and the Spanish did not take to consideration. The principle requires that the situation should be accessed to ascertain if there is a possibility of success before initiating or continuing a war. They never considered this fact and that is the reason why the war continued for several decades and they were eventually defeated (Elves 6). Another principle of a just war tradition that the Portuguese and Spanish violated is the principle of civilian immunity or honor of noncombatant where the noncombatants are not targeted to avoid civilian deaths. It also requires that prisoners captured should be treated humanely and that military forces desist from rapes, massacres, looting and other atrocities. This was not the case in the wars of the Guarani where all sorts of atrocities were committed against the people since children, women and men alike were taken captives and were not treated humanely. The principle of proportionality which requires that the harm to be caused by a war must not exceed the good the war can accomplish. Before the Europeans invaded the natives they were living peacefully in their land but after they attacked them they were left with sorrows since some died, others were enslaved, property destroyed and families disunited forever. It therefore goes without saying that the Spanish and the Portuguese caused several harm and zero good to the Guarani which is against this principle of just war. The Portuguese and the Spanish were not justified to initiate and continue the war with the Guarani after being subjected to the seven principles of a just war tradition. In all the instances they went contrary to the principles. They were not interested in the plight of the people or the outcome of the war but their own selfish gains. Works Cited Alves, Wesley. The Mission. 2007. 3 May 2010 http://people. bu. edu/wwildman/WeirdWildWeb/courses/thth/projects/thth_projects_2007wesley_alves. pdf

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Birth Of Nazism :: essays research papers

BIRTH OF NAZISM "Until the German people understand that one can conduct politics only when one has the support of power—and again power. Only so is reconstruction possible… It is not an economic question which faces the German people, it is a political question—how shall the nation’s determination be recovered?" (Bullock, 1962) Adolf Hitler posed this question to the German people in 1923. The face of post World War I Germany was truly battered, in all senses of the word. Germany had lost the war politically, which essentially meant emotionally. The country had no sense of leadership, and was suffering from many economic hardships. With the loss of the war, came the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles. Within the treaty, many demands of Germany were made which nearly raped her of her economic capacities. Industries had suffered, causing great unemployment. With this unemployment came inflation as well. The hardships posed upon the country not only harmed her economically, but socially too. The state of the people was equally harsh. Stripped of any sign of nationalism that may have once reigned within them, there was very little to have pride in. They were the joke of Europe, not to mention the brutal force which had caused the hardships within her neighbors as well. Leadership was also lacking at t his time. The control of state that had once governed in Germany was strongly ousted away. Germany knew nothing but monarchical rule, but this had been replaced with the democratic attempt of the Weimar Republic. This was the state of 1933 Germany, one that not endured since the Thirty Years War. Everything familiar to Germany had been replaced by the Treaty of Versailles. This state was the "breeding ground" of Nazism, or National Socialism. At a time of severe depression, the ideas and promises of the National Socialists looked very promising. Many Germans lacked faith in the existing government and began to turn to political groups that called for extreme changes. Nazis had divined a plan, and were willing to lead Germany to the grandeur that she deserved. Lead by the bold and charismatic Adolf Hitler, the light of a brighter future began to shine through the clouds of the post war era. Though new to Germany when Nazism was embedded within the system in 1933, its roots spawn much further back into history. It is general thought that Nazism is nothing more than a branch of Fascism.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Analyzing Race and Its Influence in your Community

Racial influences rely on a number of factors depending on a place’s history and location. It may include racism according to color, racism according to social status, and racism based on religion and ethnicity. But regardless of its foundation, racism indeed has interesting effects on people and the society at large.Racial differences in our community are not in terms of color, but of religion and ethnicity. Actually, it is between Muslims and Christians. Anywhere in the world today, the root cause of conflicts can be attributed to religious and ethnic diversities.The unsolved barrier amongst Muslims and Christians has always resulted to misunderstandings, discrimination and worse, wars which end up to loss of lives and more prejudice and hatred. Personally, I believe racism only puts the clashing parties at losing ends.Culture and traditions between Muslims and Christians are different. It can be said that Muslims are more conservative and secluded compared to Christians who are more or less Westernized. From clothing to behavior and practices, both beliefs have little similarities.In the community where I lived in, Christians often criticized the Muslim way of life. Basic is their manner of clothing. Muslim women are sanctioned to wear veils and not a single strand of hair should be exposed in public. The head should be totally covered. No skin should be seen so women always wear long-sleeves and long pants and skirts to cover their arms and legs respectively.Talking or hanging out with men is prohibited as well. Islamic laws require that women should remain traditional and well-kept in order to be respected and clean in the eyes of Allah, the Muslim term for God. Some Christians often make rude and impolite remarks in front of Muslim women and stared at them head to foot which is a sign of disrespect and indifference.Apathetically, some Christians cannot really hide their emotions in that they want their strong message to be really imparted in a crue l manner. They utter comments such as â€Å"Muslims are born traitors† which is for me, a nasty thing to say. It is making the gap farther and harder to patch up.Drinking alcohol is a taboo for Islamic submitters. They should abide by the five pillars of Islam including pronouncement of faith in Allah (shahadah), praying five times a day (salat), fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadhan (saum), giving alms to the poor (zakat), and pilgrimage to Mecca if possible (hajj). Some Christians also laughed at the manner Muslims pray. During Ramadhan, some non-Muslims express negative interpretations by questioning the significance of not eating and not drinking anything the whole day.On the contrary, Christians are more carefree and liberated though there are some conservative families as well. But more often than not, they can do anything under the sun. Discipline and control are still instilled upon them but their behavior is often unlimited.Muslims also criticized Christians for being too modern especially in the way they dress. Some women wear very suggestive clothing, showing a lot of skin. These women are often disrespected and insulted by Muslim men and even Christian men for being too showy and vulgar. But Christians do not mind these comments thinking that they are up-to-date relative to the popular trends as seen on television and in the Internet.Most young Christian women nowadays are free to hang out anywhere; some even drink and smoke in public. If public display of affection to a boyfriend or girlfriend is illegal for Muslims, Christians often welcome it. Muslims usually practice arranged marriage and exclusiveness in marriage between Muslims alone while most Christians can choose whoever they want to be their lifetime partner regardless of religion and culture.As long as the couple loves each other, they can marry without obstacles from the woman’s family. This is very prevalent in the community where I live in.Muslim women who occasional ly end up with Christian men are often disowned and as a result, the family of the Muslim woman takes revenge not only to the Christian guy but to his entire clan as well. Some cases unfortunately end up in killings or total disowning of the Muslim woman by her kin and family including relatives and other blood relations.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Key Budget Factor for a Construction Company

Key Budget Factor for a Construction Company Master Science in Facilities Management Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying University technology MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia ____________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Construction companies generally have a variety of objectives designed to maintain and succeed in their business. They will also do a lot of effort to maximize profits for their companies but with minimum capital.Some companies are concerned about how management including budget management because from there they can manage their company's financial success and further profit. This paper will be discussed about the key factor for a construction company in Malaysia. The purpose of this discussion is to find out the key factors that should be considered in budget management by construction companies throughout Malaysia. Keyword: Construction Company, key budget factor, Malaysia ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 1. IntroductionBudget is very comprehensive; it is a formal plan that estimates the likely revenues and expenses for a company in a particular period. Budget preparation explains the whole process and use the budget more effectively. Budget management is very important especially for construction companies to ensure that projects run smoothly implemented in line with the company's capital. According to Chan and Chan (2004), the construction industry is dynamic in nature and its environment has become more dynamic due to increasing uncertainties in technology, budgets and development process.Besides that, according to Churchill (1997) accentuates the fact that businesses must understand the pressure to grow so that they can plan and prepare for it, choose the right timing for expected major changes in size and control the speed of growth. 2. Key Budget Factor for a Construction company throughout Malaysia The budget is used in construction work to determine the amount of liquid cash that will be required over the various periods of a contract, as a measurement against which actual progress can be measured.The budget is a financial forecast and important tool of management, in as much as trading position of a construction company can be establish by having budgets for all of the work on hand. According to FOA Corporate (1997), key budget factor also known as principal budget factor or limiting budget factor and is the factor which will limit the activities of an undertaking. This limits output such as sales, material or labour. Among the key factors for the company's construction budget is as follows: i. Sales budgetThis involves a realistic sales forecast. This is prepared in units of each product and also in sales value. Methods of sales forecasting include sales force opinions, market research, and statistical methods (correlation analysis and examination of trends) mathematical models. Sales budget includes company's pricing policy, general economic and political conditions, changes in the population, competition, consumers' income and tastes, advertising and other sales promotion techniques, after sales service, and credit terms offered. i. Production budget Expressed in quantitative terms only and is geared to the sales budget. The production manager's duties include two things which are analysis of plant utilization and work-in-progress budgets. If requirements exceed capacity the production manager may subcontract, plan for overtime, introduce shift work, hire or buy additional machinery and the materials purchases budget's both quantitative and financial. iii. Raw materials and purchasing budgetThis factor includes the materials usage budget is in quantities and the materials purchases budget is both quantitative and financial. Factors influencing included production requirements, planning stock levels, storage space, and trends of material prices. iv. Labour budget: Labo ur budget is both quantitative and financial. This is influenced by production requirements, man-hours available, grades of labour required, wage rates (union agreements), and the need for incentives. v. Cash budget A cash plan is to defined period of time.It cans summaries monthly receipts and payments. Besides that, it highlights monthly surpluses and deficits of actual cash. Its main uses are to maintain control over a firm's cash requirements such as stock and debtors, to enable a firm to take precautionary measures and arrange in advance for investment and loan facilities whenever cash surpluses or deficits arises, to show the feasibility of management's plans in cash terms, to illustrate the financial impact of changes in management policy, e. . change of credit terms offered to customers. REFERENCE 1. Agriculture and consumer Protection by FAO CORPORATE DOCUMENT REPOSITORY 2. Chan APC, Chan APL (2004). Key performance indicators for measuring construction success, Benchmark. Int. J. , 11(2): 203-221. 3. Churchill CF (1997). Managing Growth: The Organizational Architecture of Microfinance Institutions. ACCI on International. http://www. ebook-search-engine. com/organization-growth-ebook-all. html.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Motivation and Determination in the Film The Replacements

Motivation and Determination in the Film The Replacements Introduction The film, â€Å"The Replacements† depicts the dedication and devotion of the Washington Sentinels football players to succeed. It starts with a strike by the team’s professional players, technical bench and even the cheerleaders at a critical point of the season forcing the team’s owner, Edward O’Neil, to hire a retired coach, Jimmy McGinty, who hurriedly assembles a new team.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Motivation and Determination in the Film â€Å"The Replacements† specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The players of the new team happen to be former players with diverse interests making it hard for them to cooperate. Despite the perceived incompatible individual interests, motivation allows the team to succeed. The players include Shane Falco, a former player for Ohio State football team, a player from Wales, gangster rapper brothers and a deaf player. Despit e weak teamwork spirit at the beginning and opposition from former players, the team manages to reach the final playoffs. The team learns to cooperate and with support from cheerleaders headed by Annabelle Farrell, who is romantically involved with Shane, the team is able to advance into the final playoffs. In the finals, mistreatment of other players by the quarterback, Eddie Martell, causes the team to play poorly almost losing the game; however, help from a motivated Shaun, who returns in the second half, enables the team to win the finals. Motivation and Determination Motivation is important in organizations as â€Å"it builds willingness by the players or staff to work in order for the organization to achieve its goals (Goldratt and Cox 77). It bridges the gap between the ability or competence possessed by an employee and the willingness to work. Motivation also helps in building friendly interpersonal relationships amongst workers. The management should strive to keep the sta ff informed regarding the events of an organization. In addition, motivation boosts the spirit of teamwork and morale making the workers to perform more effectively. Motivation also creates a sense of belonging to an organization, which helps to build teamwork spirit and morale. Teamwork encourages â€Å"team members to strive hard to achieve common goals adding to the success of the organization† (Kotter 112). Additionally, motivation helps to improve individual performance of the workers leading to improved organizational performance as each individual strives to give his or her best. Furthermore, motivation allows the subordinates to develop self-confidence in what they do, which encourages them also to do their best on top of encouraging them to develop a sense of responsibility, which leads to employee developing initiatives to better their performance and develop cooperation towards team activities.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? L et's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Motivation is an important factor in enhancing employee satisfaction. Motivation through incentives provides a good working relationship between employees and the management as the employee unrest and industrial disputes reduce. Additionally, motivated employees would be less resistant to organizational changes that improve productivity of the organization. Improved productivity is the main goal of most organizations. Determination and dedication are other important elements that contribute success. Determination facilitates the achievement of organizational goals because it encourages Cooperation and coordination of the work force. Employee’s determination and dedication contributes to the stability of the work force. Good management that emphasizes on motivating its employees helps to increase the employee loyalty and determination in their work that in turn promotes retention of skill ed and efficient employees who help curve a good public image of the enterprise. The Replacements In the movie, ‘The Replacements†, lack of motivation among the players is most evident. When the newly appointed coach, Jimmy McGinty, visits Shane with a requisition to join the team, he is reluctant to accept the offer. He at first lacks the motivation to play, the reason being, he had suffered a major defeat as a player in the Sugar Bowl some years earlier and suffered ridicule later on. The coach advises him to ‘chase his dreams or take the red bill’. He however accepts the request and joins the team. Lack of dedication to the team made the pro football team to go on strike demanding a pay hike from five million dollars a year to seven million. They make a line in the stadium singing â€Å"solidarity forever† and refusing to participate in matches, which in turn forces the Sentinel’s owner to recruit the retired coach. The former pros lack of d edication makes them to resort to industrial action to resolve the dispute. However, new replacements are hired to complete the season, an act that angers the pros who try to disrupt the first game involving the new players. The script is not clear whether the cheerleaders strike is to support the striking Sentinel players; nevertheless, one thing is evident; they end up replacing the cheerleaders with strippers from a local club, which shows the lack of professionalism in the replacement team. In addition, the conduct of the striking team is wanting. They throw eggs at the bus of the replacement team and even overturn Shane’s truck.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Motivation and Determination in the Film â€Å"The Replacements† specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the makeup team, the players are losers and predictably, the team is not expected to perform. However, the team proves critics wron g when it emerges winners at the end of the film, an unexpected result as the team players do not like each other on top of disagreeing openly in the field. Additionally, there is lack of teamwork and cooperation as John Favreau, a replacement player who is a trained SWAT member tackles his own teammate, Shaun, rendering him ineffective throughout the remainder of the first game. In the build up to the final game, the owner of the Washington Sentinels team instructs the coach to play Eddie Martel despite having promised to give full autonomy to the coach. The team’s owner instructs the coach to field Eddie Martel in the final game and this tall order frustrates the coach who tells his favorite quarterback, Falco, of the decision. Consequently, the two (the coach and the player) are left unmotivated and even Falco takes Anabelle, the captain cheerleader on a date as a way of dealing with his depression. Approaches to Motivation The theory of motivation explains how motivation takes place in individuals and how it helps them to achieve their goals. The expectancy theory explains, â€Å"The desire to achieve a certain goal and the chances of success gives rise to motivation† (Miner 48). This theory gives the necessary conditions in achieving motivation; that is, the effort-to-performance expectancy and the performance-to-outcome expectancy should be more than zero. In the film, to achieve high motivation among the players, the coach should have determined the outcomes that each player wanted before making sure that the desired performances were met. Motivation is derived from satisfaction of the outcomes of a performance. To achieve satisfaction, change of perception regarding the assigned task is necessary. The replacement players’ perceptions regarding their own inadequacies deterred them from achieving greater success. The other theory that explains how team motivation can be achieved is the equity theory. According to this theory develope d by Stacy Adams, the individual evaluates whether a treatment is fair compared to the treatment given to others before choosing to participate in a given task. If the individual feels not rewarded equitably, he or she strives to reduce the inequity. In the film, scenes such as the owner’s insistence that the coach allows Eddie Martel to play instead of Falco, makes Falco feel under rewarded for his efforts. In addition, towards the end of the film, the coach tells the audience that even after winning their last game that allowed them to advance into the final playoffs, the players left the game with no endorsement deals or cheers from fans. The players, having achieved great success, which many did not expect, deserved to be cheered to motivate them and enhance their morale.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Attribution theory describes the importance of attributing one’s successes or failures to internal or external factors. Attributions â€Å"determine an individual’s motivational drive† (Beck 98). Self-serving attributions entails blaming others for a misfortune. The pros of Washington Sentinels attributed their team’s failure to the management resulting to a strike. Additionally, replacement players had odd characters and the opportunity to play for the Sentinels was a welcome chance to escape from aspects of their personal characters that they did not like. The players sought to escape uncomfortable realities about their lives and this constitutes escape theory. Conclusion Motivation is important in achieving employee satisfaction and determination in an organization. It also enhances improved performance of the employees, which contributes greatly to the increase in productivity of an organization. Motivation also promotes the willingness of the workers to strive for improved performance. In the film, ‘The Replacements’, the professional players were not motivated and showed this by staging a successful strike that led to the creation of makeup team to complete the season, which also lacked motivation. No common goals were set for the replacement players and as a result, they could not endeavor to be successful. Motivational theories describe the motivational drive in individuals that allows them to achieve higher performance. Beck, Robert. â€Å"Motivation: Theories and Principles.† New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 2000. Goldratt, Eliyahau, and Cox, Jeff. Self-Theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality And Development; (Essays in Social Psychology). Philadelphia: Psychology Press, 2000. Kotter, John. Leading Change. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1996. Miner, John. Role Motivation Theories: People and Organizations. New York: Routledge, 1993.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Obsidian Hydration - An Inexpensive, but Problematic Dating Technique

Obsidian Hydration - An Inexpensive, but Problematic Dating Technique Obsidian hydration dating (or OHD) is a scientific dating technique, which uses the understanding of the geochemical nature of the volcanic glass (a silicate) called obsidian  to provide both relative and absolute dates on artifacts. Obsidian outcrops all over the world, and was preferentially used by stone tool makers because it is very easy to work with, it is very sharp when broken, and it comes in a variety of vivid colors, black, orange, red, green and clear. Fast Facts: Obsidian Hydration Dating Obsidian Hydration Dating (OHD) is a scientific dating technique using the unique geochemical nature of volcanic glasses.  The method relies on the measured and predictable growth of a rind that forms on the glass when first exposed to the atmosphere.  Issues are that rind growth is dependent on three factors: ambient temperature, water vapor pressure, and the chemistry of the volcanic glass itself.  Recent improvements in measurement and analytical advances in water absorption promise to resolve some of the issues.   How and Why Obsidian Hydration Dating Works Obsidian contains water trapped in it during its formation. In its natural state, it has a thick rind  formed by the diffusion of the water into the atmosphere when it first cooled- the technical term is hydrated layer. When a fresh surface of obsidian is exposed to the atmosphere, as when it is broken to make a stone tool, more water is absorbed and the rind begins to grow again.  That new rind is visible and can be measured under high-power magnification (40–80x). Prehistoric rinds can vary from less than 1 micron ( µm) to more than 50  µm, depending on the length of time of exposure.  By measuring the thickness one can easily determine if a particular artifact is older than another (relative age). If the rate at which water diffuses into the glass for that particular chunk of obsidian is known (thats the tricky part), you can use OHD to determine the absolute age of objects. The relationship is disarmingly simple: Age DX2, where Age is in years, D is a constant and X is the hydration rind thickness in microns. Defining the Constant Obsidian, natural volcanic glass exhibiting rind, Montgomery Pass, Mineral County, Nevada. John Cancalosi / Oxford Scientific / Getty Images Its nearly a sure bet that everybody who ever made stone tools and knew about obsidian and where to find it, used it: as a glass, it breaks in predictable ways and creates supremely sharp edges. Making stone tools out of raw obsidian breaks the rind and starts the obsidian clock counting. The measurement of rind growth since the break can be done with a piece of equipment that probably already exists in most laboratories. It does sound perfect doesnt it? The problem is, the constant (that sneaky D up there) has to combine at least three other factors that are known to affect the rate of rind growth: temperature, water vapor pressure, and glass chemistry. The local temperature fluctuates daily, seasonally and over longer time scales in every region on the planet. Archaeologists recognize this and started creating an Effective Hydration Temperature (EHT) model to track and account for the effects of temperature on hydration, as a function of annual mean temperature, annual temperature range and diurnal temperature range. Sometimes scholars add in a depth correction factor to account for the temperature of buried artifacts, assuming the underground conditions are significantly different than surface ones–but the effects havent been researched too much as of yet. Water Vapor and Chemistry The effects of variation in water vapor pressure in the climate where an obsidian artifact has been found have not been studied as intensively as the effects of temperature. In general, water vapor varies with elevation, so you can typically assume that water vapor is constant within a site or region. But OHD is troublesome in regions like the Andes mountains of South America, where people brought their obsidian artifacts across enormous changes in altitudes, from the sea level coastal regions to the 4,000-meter (12,000-foot) high mountains and higher. Even more difficult to account for is differential glass chemistry in obsidians. Some obsidians hydrate faster than others, even within the exact same depositional environment. You can source obsidian (that is, identify the natural outcrop where a piece of obsidian was found), and so you can correct for that variation by measuring the rates in the source and using those to create source-specific hydration curves. But, since the amount of water within obsidian can vary even within obsidian nodules from a single source, that content can significantly affect age estimates. Water Structure Research Methodology to adjust the calibrations for the variability in climate is an emergent technology in the 21st century. New methods critically evaluate the depth profiles of hydrogen on the hydrated surfaces using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) or Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The internal structure of the water content in obsidian has been identified as a highly influential variable which controls the rate of water diffusion at ambient temperature. It has also been found that such structures, like water content, vary within the recognized quarry sources.  Ã‚   Coupled with a more precise measuring methodology, the technique has the potential to increase the reliability of OHD, and provide a window into the evaluation of local climatic conditions, in particular paleo-temperature regimes.   Obsidian History Obsidians measurable rate of rind growth has been recognized since the 1960s. In 1966, geologists Irving Friedman, Robert L. Smith and William D. Long published the first study, the results of experimental hydration of obsidian from the Valles Mountains of New Mexico. Since that time, significant advancement in the recognized impacts of water vapor, temperature and glass chemistry has been undertaken, identifying and accounting for much of the variation, creating higher resolution techniques to measure the rind and define the diffusion profile, and invent and improved new models for EFH and studies on the mechanism of diffusion. Despite its limitations, obsidian hydration dates are far less expensive than radiocarbon, and it is a standard dating practice in many regions of the world today. Sources Liritzis, Ioannis, and Nikolaos Laskaris. Fifty Years of Obsidian Hydration Dating in Archaeology. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 357.10 (2011): 2011–23. Print.Nakazawa, Yuichi. The Significance of Obsidian Hydration Dating in Assessing the Integrity of Holocene Midden, Hokkaido, Northern Japan. Quaternary International 397 (2016): 474–83. Print.Nakazawa, Yuichi, et al. A Systematic Comparison of Obsidian Hydration Measurements: The First Application of Micro-Image with Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry to the Prehistoric Obsidian. Quaternary International  (2018). Print.Rogers, Alexander K., and Daron Duke. Unreliability of the Induced Obsidian Hydration Method with Abbreviated Hot-Soak Protocols. Journal of Archaeological Science 52 (2014): 428–35. Print.Rogers, Alexander K., and Christopher M. Stevenson. Protocols for Laboratory Hydration of Obsidian, and Their Effect on Hydration Rate Accuracy: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study. Journal of Archaeological Scie nce: Reports 16 (2017): 117–26. Print. Stevenson, Christopher M., Alexander K. Rogers, and Michael D. Glascock. Variability in Obsidian Structural Water Content and Its Importance in the Hydration Dating of Cultural Artifacts. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23 (2019): 231–42. Print.Tripcevich, Nicholas, Jelmer W. Eerkens, and Tim R. Carpenter. Obsidian Hydration at High Elevation: Archaic Quarrying at the Chivay Source, Southern Peru. Journal of Archaeological Science 39.5 (2012): 1360–67. Print.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Processes

Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Processes All living things need a continuous supply of energy to keep their cells functioning normally and to stay healthy. Some organisms, called autotrophs, can produce their own energy using sunlight or other energy sources through processes such as ​photosynthesis. Others, like humans, need to eat food in order to produce energy. However, that is not the type of energy cells use to function. Instead, they use a molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to keep themselves going. The cells, therefore, must have a way to take the chemical energy stored in food and transform it into the ATP they need to function. The process cells undergo to make this change is called cellular respiration. Two Types of Cellular Processes Cellular respiration can be aerobic (meaning with oxygen) or anaerobic (without oxygen). Which route the cells take to create the ATP depends solely on whether or not there is enough oxygen present to undergo aerobic respiration. If there is not enough oxygen present for aerobic respiration, then some organisms will resort to using anaerobic respiration or other anaerobic processes such as fermentation. Aerobic Respiration In order to maximize the amount of ATP made in the process of cellular respiration, oxygen must be present. As eukaryotic species evolved over time, they became more complex with more organs and body parts. It became necessary for cells to be able to create as much ATP as possible to keep these new adaptations running properly. Early Earths atmosphere had very little oxygen. It wasnt until after autotrophs became abundant and released large amounts of oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis that aerobic respiration could evolve. The oxygen allowed each cell to produce many times more ATP than their ancient ancestors that relied on anaerobic respiration. This process happens in the cell organelle called the mitochondria. Anaerobic Processes More primitive are  the processes that many organisms undergo when not enough oxygen is present. The most commonly known anaerobic processes are known as fermentation.  Most anaerobic processes start  out the same way as aerobic respiration, but they stop  partway through the pathway because the oxygen is not available for it to finish the aerobic respiration process, or they join with another molecule that is not oxygen as the final electron acceptor. Fermentation makes many fewer ATP and also releases byproducts of either lactic acid or alcohol, in most cases. Anaerobic processes can happen in the mitochondria or in the cytoplasm of the cell. Lactic acid fermentation is the type of anaerobic process humans undergo if there is a shortage of oxygen. For example, long distance runners experience a buildup of lactic acid in their muscles because they are not taking in enough oxygen to keep up with the demand of energy needed for the exercise. The lactic acid can even cause cramping and soreness in the muscles as time goes on. Alcoholic fermentation does not happen in humans. Yeast is a good example of an organism that undergoes alcoholic fermentation. The same process that goes on in the mitochondria during lactic acid fermentation also happens in alcoholic fermentation. The only difference is that the byproduct of alcoholic fermentation is ethyl alcohol. Alcoholic fermentation is important for the beer industry. Beer makers add yeast which will undergo alcoholic fermentation to add alcohol to the brew. Wine fermentation is also similar and provides the alcohol for the wine. Which is Better? Aerobic respiration is much more efficient at making ATP than anaerobic processes like fermentation. Without oxygen, the Krebs Cycle and the Electron Transport Chain in cellular respiration get backed up and will not work any longer. This forces the cell to undergo the much less efficient fermentation. While aerobic respiration can produce up to 36 ATP, the different types of fermentation  can only have a net gain of 2 ATP. Evolution and Respiration It is thought that the most ancient type of respiration is anaerobic. Since there was little to no oxygen present when the first eukaryotic cells evolved through endosymbiosis, they could only undergo anaerobic respiration or something similar to fermentation. This was not a problem, however, since those first cells were unicellular. Producing only 2 ATP at a time was enough to keep the single cell running. As multicellular eukaryotic organisms began to appear on Earth, the larger and more complex organisms needed to produce more energy. Through natural selection, organisms with more mitochondria that could undergo aerobic respiration survived and reproduced, passing on these favorable adaptations to their offspring. The more ancient versions could no longer keep up with the demand for ATP in the more complex organism and went extinct.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Industry report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Industry report - Essay Example The term petroleum industry refers to all industrial activities associated with exploration, mining, refining, transporting, and selling of petroleum products. This paper will present an overview of the petroleum industry giving specific focus to the evolution of the current trends in the industry, key players and their strategic objectives, the scope for new entrant. This will also analyze the demand and supply ratio of the fuel and major challenges the industry is facing today. This report will help one understand how complex the operating environment of the petroleum industry is amidst the growing economic uncertainty, regulatory pressures, and commodity price instability. 2. Industry overview As mentioned in the introduction, numerous activities from exploration to marketing constitute the modern petroleum industry. Although fuel oil and gasoline are the major products of the industry, it involves other chemical materials like pharmaceuticals, solvents, fertilizers, pesticides, a nd plastics. Petroleum is a natural but complex liquid mixture of hydrocarbons and several organic compounds found underground in geologic formations (Petroleum and Petroleum Products). Although the fossil fuel in the natural form was used by humans before around 5000 years, it evolved to be an important industry in the world economy by 19th century. The history of commercial oil wells and refineries could be traced back to 1800s when imperial Russia emerged as the largest producer of oil. By the beginning of the 20th century, Apsheron Peninsula became the hub of oil from which Russia drilled out half of the world’s total oil production and became the leader in international oil markets. Industrial revolution played the key role in enhancing the petroleum industry. The invention of fuel run machines and transportation intensified the demand for fuel, and thereby the developing world’s exploration for oil. The result was that several economies across the world discovere d their own oil fields. By 1850s both Canada and the United States developed their own oil wells and refineries, and the continued exploration in the industry enabled the US to outsmart Russia by becoming the largest producer of oil by the first quarter of 20th century. The industry has been amazingly vulnerable to change and instability that by the World War II US lost its leading position in the market to the new entrants of the industry, Middle East. Subsequently, the industry underwent tremendous changes. Huge oil tankers, pipelines, deepwater drills, drillships etc became the major characteristics of the petroleum industry, and multi-governmental organizations like OPEC and OAPEC emerged to be the most powerful bodies that cold control the oil prices and policies. Concerns over environmental issues related to oil and gas operations are also increasing across the globe as new projects have adverse impacts on the earth, water, and air due to the possibility of oil spills and the effect of pollutants such as CO2. 3. Key players Petroleum industry has turned to be a great phenomenon that the number of players and their positions in the market is highly subject to change. Although in general sense, international oil companies are perceived as the main players who determine the oil prices and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Armed Conflict and International Humanitarianism Essay

Armed Conflict and International Humanitarianism - Essay Example The intervention works with or without the use of force, with or without support from the local population and even with or without legal ambiguities. However, it is my firm belief that without a cultural understanding of conflict and the culture of the people involved in the conflict, no intervention or humanitarian action can be completely successful. Since the age of traditional war as history has known it to be has more or less ended with the devastating terrorist attacks of 9/11, the war against terrorism has also created situations where humanitarian aid may be required after both the terrorists and the alliance forces have left the region (Akhavi, 2003). The case of Afghanistan is a prime example where humanitarian aid is desperately required after the country has seen both the ravages of the Taliban and the carpet bombers from America. However, the area still remains a conflict zone and must be treated as such. This also means that conflict must be understood in a cultural context since the reaction, acceptance and acts performed in a conflict zone certainly change from culture to culture (Ehrenreich, 1998). A generation of Afghanis has grown up without knowing a place to call home and have lived with conflict as a part of their lives (Akhavi, 2003). On the other hand, a humanitarian aid worker from Denmark may have a completely different view about both war and humanitarian aid. It has been accepted by both active soldiers and humanitarian workers that an understanding of culture is essential for conducting any operation in a given environment. However, the need for understanding culture and how the conflict is viewed in a cultural context is even more pressing when the humanitarian work has to be done in an area which is considered to be a combat zone. Moreover, the nature of humanitarian work has broadened enough to the point where the battle for ‘hearts and minds’ does not have to be fought by those wearing red

Contemporary opportunities and problems that confront IBM Company Essay

Contemporary opportunities and problems that confront IBM Company - Essay Example In relation to the study the company which has been selected is the giant company which provides services such as infrastructure hosting as well as consulting services in a wide range of areas including the emerging technologies such as nanotechnology. As a business organization, IBM was founded in 1911 through a merger of three companies and has since then grown to become a market leader in the computing industry. For example, IBM was recently ranked to be the largest U.S firm in terms of its market capitalization and number of employees. The company has however undergone a number of organizational changes since its inception and some of these changes have resulted in new challenges while others have been affected in order to keep pace with the changes in the industry. The growth of IBM as a business organization has been faced with both opportunities and problems in the recent past and even today. The company lacks identity the execution clocks in this successful processor by half reduce the cache size by four or eight times which has made the elimination of l3 cache a problem as well as reduced the problem of reduction of instruction execution width to one. Despite numerous challenges such as increased competition from its market rivals, IBM has continued to refocus its business strategies into taking advantages of the numerous opportunities for growth that have been witnessed in the computing industry. Some the recent key areas of strategic investments for the company include strategic acquisitions, maintaining leadership in technology as well as developing client and industry specific solutions to its growing customer base.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Implement part Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Implement part - Essay Example It is pertinent to mention here that the scheduled date of the training course is 6th December 2012, from 0900 hours to 1700 hours at Delta Airline’s Auditorium. Moreover, during the training hours, the employees would not perform their daily office routine work. Therefore, they need to manage their office work scheduled on the training day before or after the training, as per the requirement of the work. You are requested to visit the News section of the internal portal of the Delta Airline to subscribe to get course material well before the training time. The training course is compulsory to attend by all the selected employees, therefore, make it convenient to attend the training course. There are three parts of the format; in the first part the trainer would be provided the learner profile (given above at Appendix – I) and summary analysis. In the second part, the designer of the course would provide the relevant course contents (given at Appendix – II) to the trainer. Furthermore, at this time, the role of the trainer would be a student. In the third part, the designer would provide the instructional materials to the trainer by â€Å"walk-through-talk-through† method. In this way, the trainer having above mentioned qualifications would be trained to provide training to the employees of the Delta Airline. The time duration of the train-the-trainer would be two (2) hours. Initially, there would be an introduction for fifteen (15) minutes that would be followed by the goals and objectives (given in the Office Memorandum) of the training for twenty (20) minutes. The course material (prepared in the development phase) would be provided to the trainer within thirty (30) minutes that would be followed by an informal walk-through for forty five (45) minutes. And in the end, there would be a question-answer session for fifteen (15) minutes. As the participants /

AIR Pollution Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

AIR Pollution - Outline Example The trend in such industrialized countries is therefore a proof of the low socio economic factors prevalent in the countries despite their strong economies as the discussion below portrays. While obesity refers to the increase in body weight, research continues to prove that poor people are more susceptible to obesity than their wealthy counterparts are. Such is a worrying correlation since it proves that large sections of the populations of the developed countries are increasingly becoming poor (Correl,2010). Obesity is a lifestyle complication and therefore arises when people cannot afford appropriate lifestyles. The increase of fast food cafes in such developed economies as the United States and the United Kingdom is an economic factor that does not only point to the rising poverty levels but also makes citizens more vulnerable to obesity. Fast food cafes dispense foods high in fat some of which are never cooked in appropriate conditions. However, the foods are cheap and convenient to most of the people in the countries who spend most of their active hours at work. Such people lack adequate time to exercise thus burn the excess calories they obtain from such foods a feature that heightens their risks of obesity. The rising cost of living in the industrialized economies compels the poor to work hard thus lacking time to exercise and burn the excess calories (Drewnowski, 2013). Despite such, the group continues to rely on fast foods thus increasing their risks of becoming obese. Furthermore, obesity sustains the cycle of poverty in such families since it increases the chances of the people suffering many other diseases, which require adequate funds to manage. Despite such close relationships between poverty and obesity, other researches continue to prove that obesity arises from social factors and is not therefore a proof of the rising poverty levels in such countries. Proper nutrition for example is a cultural problem in the United States a feature that

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Implement part Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Implement part - Essay Example It is pertinent to mention here that the scheduled date of the training course is 6th December 2012, from 0900 hours to 1700 hours at Delta Airline’s Auditorium. Moreover, during the training hours, the employees would not perform their daily office routine work. Therefore, they need to manage their office work scheduled on the training day before or after the training, as per the requirement of the work. You are requested to visit the News section of the internal portal of the Delta Airline to subscribe to get course material well before the training time. The training course is compulsory to attend by all the selected employees, therefore, make it convenient to attend the training course. There are three parts of the format; in the first part the trainer would be provided the learner profile (given above at Appendix – I) and summary analysis. In the second part, the designer of the course would provide the relevant course contents (given at Appendix – II) to the trainer. Furthermore, at this time, the role of the trainer would be a student. In the third part, the designer would provide the instructional materials to the trainer by â€Å"walk-through-talk-through† method. In this way, the trainer having above mentioned qualifications would be trained to provide training to the employees of the Delta Airline. The time duration of the train-the-trainer would be two (2) hours. Initially, there would be an introduction for fifteen (15) minutes that would be followed by the goals and objectives (given in the Office Memorandum) of the training for twenty (20) minutes. The course material (prepared in the development phase) would be provided to the trainer within thirty (30) minutes that would be followed by an informal walk-through for forty five (45) minutes. And in the end, there would be a question-answer session for fifteen (15) minutes. As the participants /

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Managing Organizational Change Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing Organizational Change - Term Paper Example It also offers a basis of evaluating the role of leadership and other change agent in the chance process (Kezar, 2001). An organization in the Financial/Banking Industry derives benefits due to roles played by people in the organization and their attitudes to the change process, especially in condition where there are cases of resistance. Nevertheless, this paper will focus on exploring the organizational change in the Financial/Banking Industry, through a description of management theory and system practices used in the organizations. Organization change is defines as a form of evolution that takes place though a life cycle, without which, the organization would not be able to develop or grow properly. Therefore, the growth calls for an organization to undergo a substantial change in different points of a development process. Influence of change is substantial to employees, organization and transformation, which is at the purpose of both employees and organization like a decision to terminate a section of business. However, the decision is at the best interests of the organization in their long-term objective, but consequences of that closure can have an adverse impact on employees involved, since they will be faced with problems of unemployment. In fact, the impact of the changes on the organization and employees, and the possible alternatives of dealing with the changes is a substantial issue that needs addressing. Background Organization change requires a change agent who refers to person that perpetrates the act or develops a process through which things in the organization become different (Shankar, 2013). For instance, a change occurs in situation, which members of an organization adapt or fail to adapt to dynamic environment, which is considered as a way of sustaining their competitive advantage through flexibility (Shankar, 2013). The role of being a change agent can be undertaken by a HR manager in an organization by implementing organizational change , through a demonstration unique versatility and wide range of skills (Stagl, 2011). The HR manager fostering change in the organization focuses on implementation or execution of activities that deal with employees’ behavior and attitude (Stagl, 2011). Therefore, as a change agent he or she focuses on identifying cues that impede change and the step that can be taken to eliminate these obstacles. There are other benefits that involve ability to forecast and identify need for change and this serves as a significant contributor that enables the organization to succeed and survive in adverse business environment (Kezar, 2001). Research techniques in the evaluation process offer a basis of applying literature critiquing teleological model, which are dominant model within the literature; in fact, they are evaluated in terms of their relevance for given forms of changes, which are proven by numerous studies (Shani, Pasmore & Woodman, 2011). Research techniques in the process of eva luating organization change offers recommendations on ways of challenging potential barriers to change, thereby setting principles that can be applied by leaders to establish a new

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Man Named Dave Essay Example for Free

A Man Named Dave Essay A Man Named Dave is a sad story of an abused child named Dave and his life as a grown man. The book has to do with a persons mind and how it reacts to different situations and events, such as being abused. This story touches your heart and makes you appreciate life and all it has to offer. Dave Spencer wrote this book to tell the world the affects of abuse and to change peoples lives. Dave does a brilliant job and by reading the book, it really changes your life. Dave presents abuse in this book very well and really shows the affects of it. Dave wrote the book exactly how it happened in real life. A Man Named Dave makes you want you know how or why someone can abuse a child and ruin his/her life. There is only one problem with the book, it some times gets the audience confused by switching back-and-forth from present and the past. This I think is what Dave could work on. The book is very entertaining and makes you want more. A Man Named Dave affected my life quite a bit. It made me look at life differently and made me appreciate it more. The book makes you see the outcome of abuse and understand it a little more. The most interesting part in the book is when Dave goes to his mother’s home and tries to find out why she abused him. It gets very emotional. The least interesting part is when Dave goes to his grandmother’s home to seek answers. The grandmother just doesn’t know when to shut her mouth up. I recommend this book to everyone and think everyone should read it. A Man Named Dave was written to stop abuse and to change lives. I believe it has. This book gets very emotional and may make you cry. A Man Named Dave will change the way you act and it will change the way you live.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Emerging Technology Trends In Computer Hardware Information Technology Essay

The Emerging Technology Trends In Computer Hardware Information Technology Essay The future of computer hardware is very fragile due to problems between software and hardware engineers and software now that cannot keep up with the material; the material may be decreasing as the software has priority. One thing to note is that the material cannot be totally eliminated. The market will always be a demand for faster hardware, lighter, more coherent and comprehensive. Arguably, the material can not hire as many jobs as the software does now because of the need and progress in software technology related to technology equipment. The material is and will carry on generating new applications that will make life easier and business more flourishing. Apply a new type of technology used in hardware applications, known as COTS. Commercial and product standards commonly known as COTS are proven and reliable in changing computer world. COTS allow software developers to provide new products, and hardware platform for adding custom hardware; a new device is the latest USB standard is also a past director of external equipment transfers. Cots are devices to help correct answers and progress on new computers, such as the XML protocol and new wireless advances. Another technology is the new hardware unit is microcontroller. The micro-controller unit (MCU) complete final products to the automotive market for smart cards. 16-bit and 32-bit MCU + are the main products of high-end consumer, the automotive and industrial control equipment. MPU Base application and wide variety of entrenched memory and other technologies add to their permanent unit and revenue growth. MCUs will carry on to see their make use of in products outside the home machine, which will allow hardware developers in the right direction for diversified applications. The tension between hardware engineers and software has led to an interesting correlation. Both types of engineers must learn to work together because the software and hardware engineers need each other in an appropriate communication to achieve various objectives. The types of material that is developed must cease and forth between the phase of software development for all types of applications across the board for all the different courses. With the increase in CPU capacity, created the software will always take more than enough room to allow the continued growth of the CPU in the industry. In the research project is completed, the balance between hardware and software engineers stay just as important for the optimal completion. Trends in computer software In an interview with John Bruggeman, Chief Marketing Manager, Wind River, a software design company based in the United Kingdom, which explains how the software has grown much faster than hardware applications. Bruggeman specialized software in Linux, which has seen faster growth than expected. For us the Linux business has grown from zero to 50 million dollars in 24 months. Not only Linux, but Amazon has created a unique opportunity to expand. Amazon Web Services has launched a new enterprise IT management software products, which include the rental of servers, instead of forcing companies to buy directly from a number of expensive servers. Technology recently published an article So far the market has taken the idea of Amazon and Amazon has shown that Web services have already won clients such as The New York Times, Red Hat and SanDisk. Other companies, like IBM and Sun are struggling to move to a new model. Sun already offers online rental system and expects to sell the equipment. We have the infrastructure, says Greg Papadopoulos, chief technology officer of Sun If you do not you can beat them, their hand. Suns final report shows that the Amazon Web Services functions have hit a new market that will continue to be successful. What are the current trends in computer hardware platforms and the evolving mobile platform, grid computing, and cloud computing? Mobile platform: more and more business computing is moving from PCs and desktop machines to mobile devices like cell phones and Smartphones. Data transmissions, Web surfing, e-mail and instant messaging, digital content displays, and data exchanges with internal corporate systems are all available through a mobile digital platform. Net books, small low-cost lightweight subnotebooks that are optimized for wireless communication and Internet access, are included. Grid computing Grid computing combines computer from systems multiple administrative domains to achieve common aims to solve a simple task and can disappear very fast. A grid computing key strategies is to use middleware to divide and distribute pieces of a program between several computers, sometimes up to several thousands. Grid computing is to compute in a distributed manner, which may also involve the aggregation of cluster systems based on large computer companies. The size of a grid can vary from a small restricted to a network of computer workstations in an enterprise, as for large public works across many companies and networks. The idea of a limited network may also be known as an intra-node, while the idea of bigger, wider networks may refer to inter-nodes. The grids are in the form of distributed computing; where the super virtual computer is composed of many networked computers to perform tasks freely collaborate large. This technique has been applied to computationally intensive problems in science, math and academic volunteer computing, and is used by commercial enterprises, such as various applications such as drug development, economic forecasting, seismic analysis and back-office data processing, support for e-commerce and web services. Grid computing gives a safe way to solve Grand Challenge issues, like proteins, financial modeling, earthquake simulation, weather patterns. The grid provides a way to use IT resources optimally inside an organization. They also offer a means of providing information for their technology and commercial business customers, with customers paying only for what they use, such as water and electricity. Grid computing is used by the grid of the National Science Foundation, National Technology, NASAs Information Power Grid, Pratt Whitney, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. and American Express. The European Union has been a great supporter of grid computing. A lot of studies and projects have been funded by the European Commission Framework Programme. Lots of projects are emphasis here, but 2 of them deserve special point out: Enabling Grids BEinGRID and for e-Science. Business Experiments in GRID is a project, and also have a 1/4th amount of the whole project is funded by the European Commission as an incorporated Project under the 6th Framework Programme Sponsorship Program (FP6). Introduced in June 2006 and the project lasts for 2 years, until November 2009. The research is organized by the Atos Origin. According to the project sheet is their mission to create effective ways to promote the adoption of grid computing across Europe and to stimulate research on innovative business models using Grid technologies. Extracting best practices and common themes of the experimental implementations, two groups of consultants to analyze a number of pilots, technique and business. The results of this cross analysis provided by the TI website called The project is important not only for its longevity, but also for its financial plan to 24.8 million Euros, is the greatest of all integrated projects in FP6. The grids of the E-science, which is founded the European Union and also sites in USA and the most part of the Asian continent, is a follow-up project of the European DataGrid (EDG), and is probably the largest computer network on the planet. This, together with the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) was developed to support the experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. LCG Project at CERN is based on the need to handle large amounts of data, where the rates are required to store several gigabytes per second. A list of active sites within LCG can be found online as well as real-time monitoring of the EGEE infrastructure. The software and documentation is also accessible to the public. It is speculated that optical fiber dedicated links, such as those installed by CERN to meet the needs of large volumes of data from the LCG may one day be available for home users and Internet service reach very fast approximately a thousand times faster than the usual broadband internet connection. Until April 27, 2007, United Devices United Devices Cancer Research Project based on its Grid MP product, which cleans the PC cycle of volunteering over the Internet. Grid MP in June 2005 ran about 3000000 machines. Cloud computing Cloud computing is computing on the Internet where shared resources, software and information is provided for computers and other devices on demand, with the grid. Cloud computing is a natural change of the well known to use of virtualization, SOA and utility computing. The details are extracted from consumers who no longer required specialized knowledge or control over the technology infrastructure that supports the tag. Cloud computing describes a new addition, consumption and delivery model for IT services Internet-based and are generally over-the delivery of Internet resources dynamically evolving and often virtualized. This is a result of product and ease of access to computer sites that offer Internet distance. This is mostly takes the form of internet based applications and tools that users can access and get use through an internet website browser as if it were a program installed locally on your own computer system. NIST provides a definition a little more objective and specific here. Tag word as a metaphor for the Internet based on the design previously used tags to represent the telephone network, and then to describe the patterns of Internet computer network as an abstraction that represents the underlying infrastructure. A typical cloud computing provider to provide common business applications online that is accessible from another web service or software as a Web browser, while the software and data stored on servers Most cloud computing infrastructure consists of services offered by the centers joint and integrated servers. Clouds often appear as single point of access to the computing needs of consumers. Commercial facilities are generally required to meet Quality of Service (QoS) of clients, and generally include service level agreements (SLA). The big cloud providers include Amazon, Microsoft and Google. Some large IT companies who are actively involved in cloud computing, Fujitsu, Dell, Hewlett Packard, IBM, VMware, NetApp and Microsoft. There are several doubts and confusions in relation to the phrase called hybrid when applied to the cloud a criterion description of the word hybrid Cloud has not yet risen. Cloud term hybrid has been used to assign 2 clouds. Separate conference ( private, public external or internal ) or a blend of clouds virtualized server instances that are used in combination with the actual physical hardware. The correct definition of the term hybrid Cloud; is probably the use of physical hardware and virtualized server instances tag together to provide a unique and common. Two clouds were collected are more properly a combined cloud. A combined cloud computing environment composed of multiple combined internal or/and external suppliers would be typical for most companies By integrating cloud computing services to multiple users to facilitate the transition to the public cloud services while avoiding problems such as PCI compliance. Another perspective on the implementation of a web application in the cloud using hybrid Web hosting infrastructure is a mix between Cloud hosting and dedicated servers it is usually implemented as part of a Web cluster, where some nodes running real physical hardware and some running on the server where the clouds. How network economics, declining communication costs and technology standards affect IT infrastructure? Network economics: Economics refers to the Business Network, which will benefit from the network. This is where the value is a good or service increases as more people buy the product or service. Examples include websites like eBay, or if the iVillage community together and share ideas to help the website become a better business organization. Metcalfes Law explains the proliferation of computer use by showing that the value of network participants grows exponentially as the network becomes more members. As the number of members in a network increases linearly, the values of the overall system grows exponentially and theoretically continue to grow indefinitely with increasing membership. Declining communication costs: The communication costs are rapidly falling down daily. The costs of communication and the exponential growth in the size of the Internet is a driving force that affects the IT infrastructure. When there is a decline happened in the communication cost will reflect several advantages and disadvantages to the information technology infrastructure. The main advantage of decline of communication costs is when its get fall to a very small and approaches zero, the use of communications and computer exploits. Technology standards: According to the growth of IT industry, the standards of design and communication is getting improved and more competitive day by day. Technology standards and economies of scale release powerful lead to decreases in the prices that manufacturers focus on products manufactured by a single standard. No economies of scale, the information of any kind would be much more expensive than is the case today. Creating and maintaining a coherent IT infrastructure raises multiple challenges including: Making wise infrastructure investments, IT infrastructure is a major investment for the company. If too much is used for infrastructure will not be used to form drag its financial performance. If it is too little used, a major business services cannot be delivered and competitors of the companys better than investing in the company. Coordinating infrastructure components: attempts to create IT infrastructures, select a combination of vendors, people and technology services and fitting them together so they operate in a coherent whole. Dealing with scalability and technology change: as companies grow, they can easily find that their infrastructure. As companies shrink, they can get stuck in too much infrastructure has been purchased in better times. Scalability: the ability of the computer of a product or system expansion to serve more people without breaking down. Leadership and management: refers to who controls and manages the IT infrastructure.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Douglas N. Husaks A Moral Right to Use Drugs Essay -- Husak Moral Rig

Douglas N. Husak's A Moral Right to Use Drugs In Douglas N. Husak’s A Moral Right to Use Drugs he attempts to look at drug use from an impartial standpoint in order to determine what is the best legal status for currently illegal drugs. Husak first describes the current legal situation concerning drugs in America, citing figures that show how drug crimes now make up a large percentage of crimes in our country. Husak explains the disruption which this causes within the judicial system and it is made clear that he is not content with the current way drugs are treated. The figures that Husak offers up, such as the fact that up to one third of all felony charges involve drugs, are startling, but more evidence is needed than the fact that a law is frequently broken to justify it’s repeal. Husak attempts to discuss drug use legality aside in order to prove his argument. He looks at drug use in a three fold manner exploring; the reasons Americans use drugs, the justifications behind the war on drugs, and a discussion on which drugs, if any, should be affected by the law. In understanding Husak’s beliefs on the reasons for drug use it is first important to look at his definition for recreational use verses drug abuse. Husak defines recreational use as either consumption for enhancement of an experience, such as at a concert, or for alleviation from boredom, like while doing household chores. Husak admits that there are gray areas between this recreational approach and the universally reviled drug abuse. However, Husak is right in saying that drug use that occurs in the ghetto is not recreational, and goes on to explain that rich white people are even more likely to use certain drugs, notably ... ...enough time explaining the benefits of legalization. I agree with his assertion that the burden of proof should lie on the heads of those limiting our freedoms and therefore I personally am not bothered by his attack strategy, but in the grand scheme of trying to further his cause Husak would be served well by discussing the issue in terms of why legalization would help our society. I respect this piece a lot and what I would really like to see is some of Husak’s ideas form implementation, such as educational programs. This article does a lot to tear down the old beliefs that are hurting our society, which is an important first step. Yet, those of us who favor change must remember that removing old views does not bring freedom, it leaves a gap. Freedom is attained when we replace that gap with a morally and legally sound new set of ideals and rules.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Edexcel Maths Fp2 Paper

Paper Reference(s) 6667 Edexcel GCE Further Pure Mathematics FP1 Advanced Level Specimen Paper Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Materials required for examination Answer Book (AB16) Graph Paper (ASG2) Mathematical Formulae (Lilac) Items included with question papers Nil Candidates may use any calculator EXCEPT those with the facility for symbolic algebra, differentiation and/or integration. Thus candidates may NOT use calculators such as the Texas Instruments TI-89, TI-92, Casio CFX-9970G, Hewlett Packard HP 48G.Instructions to Candidates In the boxes on the answer book, write the name of the examining body (Edexcel), your centre number, com/geo-sba-cxc/" class="ilgen">candidate number, the unit title (Further Pure Mathematics FP1), the paper reference (6667), your surname, initials and signature. When a calculator is used, the answer should be given to an appropriate degree of accuracy. Information for Candidates A booklet ‘Mathematical Formulae and Statistical Tables’ is provid ed. Full marks may be obtained for answers to ALL questions. This paper has eight questions. Advice to Candidates You must ensure that your answers to parts of questions are clearly labelled.You must show sufficient working to make your methods clear to the Examiner. Answers without working may gain no credit. This publication may only be reproduced in accordance with London Qualifications Limited copyright policy. Edexcel Foundation is a registered charity.  ©2003 London Qualifications Limited 1. Prove that a (r r =1 n 2 – r -1 = ) 1 (n – 2)n(n + 2) . 3 (5) 2. 1 f ( x ) = ln x – 1 – . x (a) Show that the root a of the equation f(x) = 0 lies in the interval 3 < a < 4 . (2) (b) Taking 3. 6 as your starting value, apply the Newton-Raphson procedure once to f(x) to obtain a second approximation to a.Give your answer to 4 decimal places. (5) 3. Find the set of values of x for which 1 x > . x -3 x -2 (7) 4. f ( x ) ? 2 x 3 – 5 x 2 + px – 5, p I ?. The equation f (x) = 0 has (1 – 2i) as a root. Solve the equation and determine the value of p. (7) 5. (a) Obtain the general solution of the differential equation dS – 0. 1S = t. dt (6) (b) The differential equation in part (a) is used to model the assets, ? S million, of a bank t years after it was set up. Given that the initial assets of the bank were ? 200 million, use your answer to part (a) to estimate, to the nearest ? illion, the assets of the bank 10 years after it was set up. (4) 2 6. The curve C has polar equation r 2 = a 2 cos 2q , -p p ? q ? . 4 4 (a) Sketch the curve C. (2) (b)Find the polar coordinates of the points where tangents to C are parallel to the initial line. (6) (c) Find the area of the region bounded by C. (4) 7. Given that z = -3 + 4i and zw = -14 + 2i, find (a) w in the form p + iq where p and q are real, (4) (b) the modulus of z and the argument of z in radians to 2 decimal places (4) (c) the values of the real con stants m and n such that mz + nzw = -10 – 20i . (5) 3 Turn over 8. (a) Given that x = e t , show that (i) y dy = e -t , dx dt 2 dy o d2 y – 2t ? d y c 2 – ?. =e c 2 dt ? dx o e dt (ii) (5) (b) Use you answers to part (a) to show that the substitution x = e t transforms the differential equation d2 y dy x 2 2 – 2x + 2y = x3 dx dx into d2 y dy – 3 + 2 y = e 3t . 2 dt dt (3) (c) Hence find the general solution of x2 d2 y dy – 2x + 2y = x3. 2 dx dx (6) END 4 Paper Reference(s) 6668 Edexcel GCE Further Pure Mathematics FP2 Advanced Level Specimen Paper Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Materials required for examination Answer Book (AB16) Graph Paper (ASG2) Mathematical Formulae (Lilac) Items included with question papers NilCandidates may use any calculator EXCEPT those with the facility for symbolic algebra, differentiation and/or integration. Thus candidates may NOT use calculators such as the Texas Instruments TI 89, TI 92, Casio CFX-9970G, Hewlett Pac kard HP 48G. Instructions to Candidates In the boxes on the answer book, write the name of the examining body (Edexcel), your centre number, candidate number, the unit title (Further Pure Mathematics FP2), the paper reference (6668), your surname, initials and signature. When a calculator is used, the answer should be given to an appropriate degree of accuracy.Information for Candidates A booklet ‘Mathematical Formulae and Statistical Tables’ is provided. Full marks may be obtained for answers to ALL questions. This paper has eight questions. Advice to Candidates You must ensure that your answers to parts of questions are clearly labelled. You must show sufficient working to make your methods clear to the Examiner. Answers without working may gain no credit. This publication may only be reproduced in accordance with London Qualifications Limited copyright policy. Edexcel Foundation is a registered charity.  ©2003 London Qualifications Limited 1.The displacement x of a particle from a fixed point O at time t is given by x = sinh t. 4 At time T the displacement x = . 3 (a) Find cosh T . (2) (b) Hence find e T and T. (3) 2. Given that y = arcsin x prove that (a) dy = dx (1 – x ) 2 1 , (3) (b) (1 – x 2 ) d2 y dy -x = 0. 2 dx dx (4) Figure 1 3. y P(x, y) s A y O x Figure 1 shows the curve C with equation y = cosh x. The tangent at P makes an angle y with the x-axis and the arc length from A(0, 1) to P(x, y) is s. (a) Show that s = sinh x. (3) (a) By considering the gradient of the tangent at P show that the intrinsic equation of C is s = tan y. 2) (c) Find the radius of curvature r at the point where y = p . 4 (3) S 4. I n = o x n sin x dx. p 2 0 (a) Show that for n ? 2 ?p o I n = nc ? e 2o n -1 – n(n – 1)I n – 2 . (4) (4) (b) Hence obtain I 3 , giving your answers in terms of p. 5. (a) Find ? v(x2 + 4) dx. (7) The curve C has equation y 2 – x 2 = 4. (b) Use your answer to part (a) to find the area of the fin ite region bounded by C, the positive x-axis, the positive y-axis and the line x = 2, giving your answer in the form p + ln q where p and q are constants to be found. (4) Figure 2 6. y O 2pa x The parametric equations of the curve C shown in Fig. are x = a(t – sin t ), y = a(1 – cos t ), 0 ? t ? 2p . (a) Find, by using integration, the length of C. (6) The curve C is rotated through 2p about Ox. (b) Find the surface area of the solid generated. (5) 7 7. (a) Using the definitions of sinh x and cosh x in terms of exponential functions, express tanh x in terms of e x and e – x . (1) (b) Sketch the graph of y = tanh x. (2) 1 ? 1 + x o lnc ?. 2 e1 – x o (c) Prove that artanh x = (4) (d) Hence obtain d (artanh x) and use integration by parts to show that dx o artanh x dx = x artanh x + 1 ln 1 – x 2 + constant. 2 ( ) (5) 8.The hyperbola C has equation x2 y2 = 1. a2 b2 (a) Show that an equation of the normal to C at P(a sec q , b tan q ) is by + ax sin q = a 2 + b 2 tan q . (6) ( ) The normal at P cuts the coordinate axes at A and B. The mid-point of AB is M. (b) Find, in cartesian form, an equation of the locus of M as q varies. (7) END U Paper Reference(s) 6669 Edexcel GCE Further Pure Mathematics FP3 Advanced Level Specimen Paper Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Materials required for examination Answer Book (AB16) Graph Paper (ASG2) Mathematical Formulae (Lilac) Items included with question papers NilCandidates may use any calculator EXCEPT those with the facility for symbolic algebra, differentiation and/or integration. Thus candidates may NOT use calculators such as the Texas Instruments TI 89, TI 92, Casio CFX 9970G, Hewlett Packard HP 48G. Instructions to Candidates In the boxes on the answer book, write the name of the examining body (Edexcel), your centre number, candidate number, the unit title (Further Pure Mathematics FP3), the paper reference (6669), your surname, initials and signature. When a calculator is used, the answer sho uld be given to an appropriate degree of accuracy.Information for Candidates A booklet ‘Mathematical Formulae and Statistical Tables’ is provided. Full marks may be obtained for answers to ALL questions. This paper has eight questions. Advice to Candidates You must ensure that your answers to parts of questions are clearly labelled. You must show sufficient working to make your methods clear to the Examiner. Answers without working may gain no credit. This publication may only be reproduced in accordance with London Qualifications Limited copyright policy. Edexcel Foundation is a registered charity.  ©2003 London Qualifications Limited 1. y = x 2 – y, y = 1 at x = 0 . dx y – y0 ? dy o Use the approximation c ?  » 1 with a step length of 0. 1 to estimate the values of y h e dx o 0 at x = 0. 1 and x = 0. 2, giving your answers to 2 significant figures. (6) 2. (a) Show that the transformation w= z -i z +1 maps the circle z = 1 in the z-plane to the line w – 1 = w + i in the w-plane. (4) The region z ? 1 in the z-plane is mapped to the region R in the w-plane. (b) Shade the region R on an Argand diagram. (2) 3. Prove by induction that, all integers n, n ? 1 , ar > 2 n r =1 n 1 2 . (7) 4. dy d2 y dy +y = x, y = 0, = 2 at x = 1. 2 dx dx dxFind a series solution of the differential equation in ascending powers of (x – 1) up to and including the term in (x – 1)3. (7) 5. ? 7 6o A=c c 6 2? . ? e o (a) Find the eigenvalues of A. (4) (a) Obtain the corresponding normalised eigenvectors. (6) NM 6. The points A, B, C, and D have position vectors a = 2i + k , b = i + 3j, c = i + 3 j + 2k , d = 4 j + k respectively. (a) Find AB ? AC and hence find the area of triangle ABC. (7) (b) Find the volume of the tetrahedron ABCD. (2) (c) Find the perpendicular distance of D from the plane containing A, B and C. (3) 7. ? 1 x – 1o c ? 5 A( x) = c 3 0 2 ? , x ? 2 c1 1 0 ? e o (a) Calculate the inverse of A(x). (8) ? 1 3 â €“ 1o c ? B = c3 0 2 ? . c1 1 0 ? e o ? po c ? The image of the vector c q ? when transformed by B is cr? e o (b) Find the values of p, q and r. (4) ? 2o c ? c 3? . c 4? e o 11 8. (a) Given that z = e iq , show that zp + 1 = 2 cos pq , zp where p is a positive integer. (2) (b) Given that cos 4 q = A cos 4q + B cos 2q + C , find the values of the constants A, B and C. (7) The region R bounded by the curve with equation y = cos 2 x, rotated through 2p about the x-axis. (c) Find the volume of the solid generated. (6) p p ? x ? , and the x-axis is 2 2END NO EDEXCEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS FP1 (6667) SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question number 1. Scheme Marks M1 B1 a (r r =1 n 2 – r -1 = a r2 – a r – a1 r =1 r =1 r =1 ) n n n ? n o c a1 = n ? e r =1 o = = = n (n + 1)(2n + 1) – ? 1 on(n + 1) – n c ? 6 e 2o n 2n 2 – 8 6 [ ] M1 A1 A1 (5) (5 marks) 1 n(n – 2 )(n + 2 ) 3 2. (a) f ( x) = ln x – 1 – 1 x f (3) = ln 3 – 1 à ¢â‚¬â€œ 1 = -0. 2347 3 f (4) = ln 4 – 1 – 1 = 0. 1363 4 f (3) and f (4) are of opposite sign and so f ( x ) has root in (3, 4) (b) x 0 = 3. 6 f ? (x ) = 1 1 + x x2 M1 A1 (2) M1 A1 f ? (3. 6 ) = 0. 354 381 f (3. 6) = 0. 003 156 04 Root  » 3. – f (3. 6) f ? (3. 6) M1 A1 ft A1 (5) (7 marks)  » 3. 5911 13 EDEXCEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS FP1 (6667) SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question number 3. Scheme x x x 2 – 3x + 3 1 1 > ? >0 ? >0 x-3 x-2 x-3 x-2 (x – 3)(x – 2 ) Marks M1 A1 B1 B1 Numerator always positive Critical points of denominator x = 2, x = 3 x < 2 : den = (- ve)(- ve) = + ve 2 < x < 3 : den = (- ve)(+ ve) = – ve 3 < x : den = (+ ve)(+ ve) = + ve M1 A1 A1 (7) (7 marks) Set of values x < 2 and x > 3 {x : x < 2} E {x : x > 3} 4. If 1 – 2i is a root, then so is 1 + 2i B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 ft A1 A1 (7) x – 1 + 2i )(x – 1 – 2i ) are f actors of f(x) so x 2 – 2 x + 5 is a factor of f (x) f ( x ) = x 2 – 2 x + 5 (2 x – 1) Third root is 1 2 ( ) and p = 12 (7 marks) 5. (a) dS – (0. 1)S = t dt – ( 0. 1)dt Integrating factor e o = e -(0. 1)t M1 d Se – (0. 1)t = te – (0. 1)t dt Se – (0. 1)t = o te – (0. 1)t dt = -10te – (0. 1)t – 100e – (0. 1)t + C [ ] A1 A1 M1 A1 A1 (6) S = Ce (0. 1)t – 10t – 100 (b) S = 200 at t = 0 ? 200 = C – 100 i. e. C = 300 S = 300e (0. 1)t – 10t – 100 M1 A1 At t = 10, S = 300e – 100 – 100 = 615. 484 55 M1 A1 ft (4) (10 marks) Assets ? 615 million NQ EDEXCEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS FP1 (6667)SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question number 6. (a) l Scheme Marks q B1 (Shape) B1 (Labels) (2) (b) Tangent parallel to initial line when y = r sin q is stationary Consider therefore d 2 a cos 2q sin 2 q dq ( ) M1 A1 = -2 sin 2q sin 2 q + cos 2q (2 sin q cos q ) =0 2 sin q [cos 2 q cos q – sin 2q sin q ] = 0 sin q ? 0 ? cos 3q = 0 ? q = p -p or 6 6 M1 A1 o ? ? o ? 1 p o? 1 -p Coordinates of the points c c a, ? c a, ? c 6 6 oe 2 e 2 A1 A1 (6) 1 o4 2 1 2o4 (c) Area = o r dq = a o cos 2q dq 2 o -p 2 o -p 4 4 p p M1 A1 a2 a2 1 2 e sin 2q u = a e = [1 – (- 1)] = 2 e 2 u -4p 4 2 u p 4 M1 A1 (4) (12 marks) 15EDEXCEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS FP1 (6667) SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question number 7. (a) z = -3 + 4i, zw = -14 + 2i Scheme Marks w= = = – 14 + 2i (- 14 + 2i )(- 3 – 4i ) = (- 3 + 4i )(- 3 – 4i ) – 3 + 4i M1 A1 A1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 M1 A1 (5) (13 marks) (4) (42 + 8) + i(- 6 + 56) 9 + 16 50 + 50i = 2 + 2i 25 (4) (b) z = (3 2 + 42 = 5 4 = 2. 21 3 ) arg z = p – arctan (c) Equating real and imaginary parts 3m + 14n = 10, 4m + 2n = -20 Solving to obtain m = -6, n = 2 NS EDEXCEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS FP1 (6667) SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question number 8. (a)(i) x = et , dy dy dy dt = = e -t dt dx dt dxSch eme Marks M1 A1 ? dx t o c =e ? e dt o (ii) d 2 y dt d e – t dy u e = dt u dx 2 dx dt e u e M1 e dy d2 yu = e – t e – e -t + e -t 2 u dt dt u e e d 2 y dy u = e – 2t e 2 – u dt u e dt (b) x2 2t A1 A1 (5) d2 y dy – 2x + 2y = x3 2 dx dx – 2t e e e d 2 y dy u t – t dy + 2 y = e 3t e 2 – u, – 2e e dt u dt e dt M1 A1, A1 (3) d2 y dy – 3 + 2 y = e 3t 2 dt dt (c) Auxiliary equation m 2 – 3m + 2 = 0 (m – 1)(m – 2) = 0 Complementary function y = Ae t + Be 2t e 3t 1 Particular integral = 2 = e 3t 3 – (3 ? 3) + 2 2 General solution y = Ae t + Be 2t + 1 e 3t 2 = Ax + Bx 2 + 1 x 3 2 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 ft 6) (14 marks) 17 EDEXCEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS FP2 (6668) SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question Number 1. cosh 2 T = 1 + sinh 2 T = 1 + 16 25 = 9 9 Scheme Marks M1 A1 (2) M1 A1 A1 ft (3) cosh T =  ± 5 5 = since cosh T > 1 3 3 4 5 + =3 3 3 e T = cosh T + sinh T = Hence T = ln 3 2. (5 marks) (a) y = arcsin x ? sin y = x M1 cos y dy =1 dx dy 1 1 = = dx cos y 1- x2 M1 A1 (3) (b) d2 y dx 2 = – 1 1- x2 2 ( ) -3 2 (- 2 x ) M1 A1 = x 1- x2 ( ) -3 2 (1 – x ) 2 d2 y dy -x = 1 – x2 x 1 – x2 2 dx dx ( )( ) -3 2 – x 1- ( 1 2 -2 x ) =0 M1 A1 (4) (7 marks) NU EDEXCEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS FP2 (6668)SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question Number 3. Scheme x 0 Marks (a) s=o e ? dy o 2 u 2 e1 + c ? u dx e e dx o u u e dy = sinh x dx 1 y = cosh x, x B1 s = o 1 + sinh 2 x 2 dx 0 [ ] 1 = o cosh x dx = sinh x 0 x M1 A1 (3) (b) Gradient of tangent dy = tan y = sinh x = s dx s = tan y M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 (2) (c) r= ds = sec2 y dy At y = p , r = sec2 p = 2 4 4 (3) (8 marks) 19 EDEXCEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS FP2 (6668) SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question Number 4. Scheme I n = o x n sin x dx = x n (- cos x ) p 2 0 Marks (a) [ ] p 2 0 – o 2 nx n -1 (- cos x )dx 0 p M1 A1 i i = 0 + ni x n -1 sin x i i [ -o 0 p 2 p 2 0 = n (p ) 2 [ n -1 – (n â⠂¬â€œ 1)I n -2 n -1 ] u i (n – 1)x n- 2 sin x dxy i ? A1 So I n = n(p ) 2 2 – n(n – 1)I n -2 A1 (4) (b) ?p o I 3 = 3c ? – 3. 2 I 1 e2o I 1 = o x sin x dx = [x(- cos x )] + o cos x dx 0 p 2 0 p 2 p 2 0 M1 = [sin x ] = 1 0 p 2 A1 3p ? p o I 3 = (3)c ? – 6 = -6 4 e 2o 2 2 M1 A1 (4) (8 marks) OM EDEXCEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS FP2 (6668) SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question Number 5. Scheme x = 2 sinh t Marks B1 (a) (x 2 + 4 = 4 sinh 2 t + 4 ) ( 2 ) 1 2 = 2 cosh t dx = 2 cosh t dt I =o (x + 4 dx = 4 o cosh 2 t dt ) M1 A1 = 2 o (cosh 2t + 1) dt = sinh 2t + 2t + cM1 A1 M1 A1 ft (7) = 1 x 2 (x 2 2 ? xo + 4 + 2arsinh c ? + c e 2o 2 0 ) (b) Area = o y dx = o 0 (x ) 2 + 4 dx 2 ) M1 e1 =e x e2 = 2 ( xu u e x + 4 u + e 2arsinh u 2u0 u0 e 2 2 1 2 2 8 + 2arsinh (1) 2] = 2 2 + ln 3 + 2 A1 2 + 2 ln[1 + ( 2 ) M1 A1 (4) (11 marks) 21 EDEXCEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS FP2 (6668) SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question Number 6. Scheme 2p 0 Marks (a) s=o e e x + y u dt e u e u  · 2 1  · u2 2 dy  · dx  · = x = a (1 – cos t ); = y = a sin t dt dt s=o 2p 0 M1 A1; A1 2p 0 a (1 – cos t ) + sin 2 t 2 dt = a o 2 p ? 2 sin c 0 2p [ ] 1 [2 – 2 cos t ]2 dt M1 A1, A1 ft (6) 1 = 2a o e ? t ou to ? t , = -4a ecosc ? u = 8a e 2o e e 2 ou 0 1 o2 (b) s = 2p o = 2p o 2p 0 ? yc x + y ? dt c ? e o 1 22 2p  · 2  · 2 2p 0 a 2 (1 – cos t ) 2 dt M1 A1 M1 3 = 8pa 2 o 0 2p 0 ?to sin 3 c ? dt e 2o = 8pa 2 o 2 e t 2 ? t ou e1 – cos c 2 ? u sin 2 dt e ou e 2p 64pa 2 t 2 e 3 t u = 8pa e – 2 cos + cos u = 2 3 2u0 3 e A1 A1 ft (5) (11 marks) OO EDEXCEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS FP2 (6668) SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question Number 7. Scheme tanh x = sinh x e x – e – x = cosh x e x + e – x B1 Marks (1) (a) (b) 1 y 0 x -1 B1 B1 (2) (c) artanhx = z ? tanh z = x e z – e-z e z + e -z =x M1 A1 e z – e-z = x e z + e-z ( ) 1 – x )e z = (1 + x )e – z e2z = z= 1+ x 1- x 1 ? 1 + x o lnc ? = artanh x 2 e1- x o M1 A1 M1 A1 1 x dx (4) (d) dz 1 ? 1 1 o 1 = c + ? = dx 2 e 1 + x 1 – x o 1 – x 2 o artanh x dx = (x artanh x ) – o 1 – x = (x artanh x ) + 2 M1 A1 A1 (5) 1 ln 1 – x 2 + constant 2 ( ) (10 marks) 23 EDEXCEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS FP2 (6668) SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question Number 8. Scheme x2 y2 =1 a2 b2 2 x 2 y dy =0 a 2 b 2 dx Marks (a) M1 A1 M1 A1 dy 2 x b 2 b 2 a sec q b = 2 = 2 = dx a 2 y a b tan q a sin q Gradient of normal is then a sin q b a Equation of normal: ( y – b tan q ) = – sin q (x – a sec q ) b x sin q + by = a 2 + b 2 tan q (b) M: A normal cuts x = 0 at y = B normal cuts y = 0 at x = ( ) M1 A1 (6) (a 2 + b2 tan q b ) M1 A1 (a = ( ) a2 + b2 tan q a sin q + b2 a cos q 2 ) A1 e a2 + b2 u a2 + b2 sec q , tan q u Hence M is e 2b e 2a u Eliminating q sec 2 q = 1 + tan 2 q 2 2 ( ) M1 M1 e 2aX u e 2bY u =1+ e 2 e u u ea2 + b2 u ea + b2 u A1 2 4a 2 X 2 – 4b 2Y 2 = a 2 + b 2 [ ] A1 (7) (15 marks) OQ EDEXCEL FURTHER MATHEMATICS FP3 (6669) SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question Number 1. Scheme Marks ? dy o x 0 = 0, y 0 = 1, c ? = 0 – 1 = -1 e dx o 0 ? dy o y1 – y 0 = hc ? ? y1 = 1 + (0. 1)(- 1) = 0. e dx o 0 ? dy o x1 = 0. 1, y1 = 0. 9, c ? e dx o 1 ? dy o y 2 = y1 + hc ? e dx o 1 = (0. 1) – 0. 9 2 B1 M1 A1 ft A1 = -0. 89 = 0. 9 + (0. 1)(- 0. 89) = 0. 811  » 0. 81 z -i ? w( z + 1) = ( z – i ) z +1 M1 A1 (6) (6 marks) 2. (a) w= z (w – 1) = -i – w z= -i-w w -1 -i-w =1 w -1 M1 A1 z =1? i. e. w – 1 = w + i (b) z ? 1? w + i ? w -1 M1 A1 (4) B1 (line) B1 (shading) (2) (6 marks) OR qiea=liEe EDEXCEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS FP3 (6669) SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question Number 3. Scheme For n = 1, LHS =1, RHS = So result is true for n = 1 Assume true for n = k. Then k +1 r =1 Marks 1 2 M1 A1 r > 2 k2 + k +1 = = 1 2 1 k + 2k + 1 + 2 2 1 (k + 1)2 + 1 2 2 1 M1 A1 ( ) M1 A1 A1 (7) (7 marks) If true for k, true for k+1 So true for all positive integral n d2 y dy dy +y = x, y = 0, = 2 at x = 1 2 dx dx dx d2 y = 0 +1=1 dx 2 Differentiating with respect to x d 3 y ? dy o d2 y + c ? + y 2 =1 dx 3 e dx o dx 2 4. B1 M1 A1 d3 y dx 3 = -(2) + 0 + 1 = -3 2 A1 x =1 By Taylor’s Theorem y = 0 + 2(x – 1) + = 2(x – 1) + 1 1 2 3 1( x – 1) + (- 3)(x – 1) 3! 2! M1 A1 A1 (7) (7 marks) 1 (x – 1)2 – 1 (x – 1)3 2 2 OS EDEXCEL FURTHER MATHEMATICS FP3 (6669) SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question Number 5.Scheme A – lI = 0 Marks (a) (7 – l ) 6 6 =0 (2 – l ) M1 A1 (7 – l )(2 – l ) – 36 = 0 l2 – 9l + 14 – 36 = 0 l2 – 9l – 22 = 0 (l – 11)(l + 2) = 0 ? l1 = -2, l2 = 11 (b) l = -2 Eigenvector obtained from M1 A1 (4) 6 o ? x1 o ? 0 o ? 7 – (- 2) c ? c ? =c ? c 6 2 – (- 2)? c y 1 ? c 0 ? e oe o e o 3×1 + 2 y1 = 0 ? 2o 1 ? 2o c ? e. g. c ? normalised c – 3? c ? 13 e – 3o e o M1 A1 M1 A1 ft ? – 4 6 o ? x2 o ? 0o c ? c ? =c ? l = 11 c ? c ? c ? e 6 – 9o e y2 o e 0o – 2 x2 + 3 y 2 = 0 ? 3o 1 ? 3o c ? e. g. c ? normalised c 2? c ? 13 e 2 o e o A1 A1 ft (6) (10 marks) 27 EDEXCEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS FP3 (6669)SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question Number 6. (a) AB = (- 1, 3, – 1) ; AC = (- 1, 3, 1) . i j k Scheme Marks M1 A1 AB ? AC = – 1 3 – 1 -1 3 1 = i (3 + 3) + j (1 + 1) + k (- 3 + 3) = 6i + 2 j M1 A1 A1 Area of D ABC = = 1 AB ? AC 2 1 36 + 4 = 10 square units 2 = = = 1 AD . AB ? AC 6 M1 A1 ft (7) (b) Volume of tetrahedron ( ) M1 A1 (2) 1 – 12 + 8 6 2 cubic units 3 ? ?  ® ? ? ® (c) Unit vector in direction AB ? AC i. e. perpendicular to plane containing A, B, and C is 1 n= (6i + 2 j) = 1 (3i + j) 10 40 M1 p = n ? AD = 1 10 (3i + j) ? (- 2i + 4 j) = 1 2 -6+4 = units. 10 10 M1 A1 (3) (12 marks) OUEDEXCEL FURTHER MATHEMATICS FP3 (6669) SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question Number Scheme ? 1 x – 1o c ? A( x ) = c 3 0 2 ? c1 1 0 ? e o 3 o ? – 2 2 c ? Cofactors c – 1 1 x – 1? c 2 x – 5 – 3x ? e o Determinant = 2 x – 3 – 2 = 2 x – 5 ? – 2 1 c A (x ) = c 2 2x – 5 c e 3 -1 Marks 7. (a) M1 A1 A1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 (8) -1 1 (x – 1) 2x o ? -5 ? – 3x ? o (b) ? 2o ? po ? – 2 – 1 6 o ? 2o c ? 1c c ? ?c ? -1 1 – 5? c 3? c q ? = B c 3? = c 2 c 4? 1 c 3 cr? 2 – 9? c 4? e o e o e oe o M1 A1 ft M1 A1 = (17, – 13, – 24 ) (4) (12 marks) 29 EDEXCEL FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS FP3 (6669) SPECIMEN PAPER MARK SCHEME Question NumberScheme zp + Marks 8. (a) 1 1 = e ipq + ipq p z e = e ipq + e -ipq = 2 cos pq ( ) M1 A1 (2) (b) By De Moivre if z = e iq zp + 1 = 2 cos pq zp 4 1o ? 4 p = 1 : (2 cos q ) = c z + ? zo e M1 A1 M1 A1 1 1 1 1 = z 4 + 4 z 3 . + 6 z 2 2 + 4 z. 3 + 4 z z z z 1 o ? 1 o ? = c z 4 + 4 ? + 4c z 2 + 2 ? + 6 z o e z o e = 2 cos 4q + 8 cos 2q + 6 M1 A1 3 8 cos 4 q = 1 c os 4q + 1 cos 2q + 8 2 A1 ft (7) (c) V =p o p 2 p 2 p 2 p 2 y dx = p o 2 p 2 p 2 cos 4 x dx =p o 3o 1 ? 1 c cos 4q + cos 2q + ? dq 8o 2 e8 p M1 A1 ft 1 3 u 2 e1 = p e sin 4q + sin 2q + q u 4 8 u-p e 32 2 M1 A1 ft 3 = p2 8 M1 A1 (6) (15 marks) PM